I've been trying to work on a chick band,
but got side tracked by making starlets.
Have I mentioned how excited I am for Late Night?
Yeah? Oh.
Anyways I am in love with these sims.
They are all (except one) recycled sims that I'd been working on months ago,
but I got bored with them and sacked 'em.
But, nothing is lost that cannot be found again if sought.
Now they are totally aweome, and ready to be celeb-ified
Thank you Gaga, for the hair inspiration, and the title of todays post.
previously known as X
I like both ideas for Harlow, so she may have a rock star twin ;)
I plan on making some small changes:
Gwens mouth looks too low in game
Tinsley might look cool with darker skin and hair
Halrow + her twin or alter ego
Posh celeb by day, total badass bassist by night!!
Arrrggg the 26th can not get here soon enough.
Might upload a few at the end of the week.